Agricultural Operations


AG Corporations, farmers, and ranching families want tax-advantaged strategies without being pigeon-holed into legacy products like PPLIs and other strategies that fail to decrease their downside risks and maximize the long-term upside. We have the solutions you are looking for.

Maximize Long-Term GrowthPlaceholderImage1314
Asset Protection StrategiesPlaceholderImage1314
Eliminate Downside Risks
Most are unaware that only 1 in 3 farming operations have a sophisticated legacy plan that takes advantage of every tax advantage other than what their CPA, Tax Attorney and Trust Attorney can offer. Much of the time we'll do carve-outs of the Nationwide Legacy product as they work lock step with the California Farm Bureau. We have other markets of course, put their program seems to work for about half hour clients. It’s the shaping and retooling of these programs that separate and elevate the value of our strategies to our clients.

More qualities that make our clients competitive, efficient, and great places to work for employees.

• Key Employee Bonus Plans

• More Control Over Investments

• Zero Downside Risk & Uncapped Gains

• Tax Strategies Superior to 401k-like Plans

• Employee Saving Incentivized Plans

• Increase Morale & Productivity

• Access to Wall Street Leverage

• Creation of Pension-like Month Income in Retirement for ALL

• Lower Employee Turnover Costs (Recruitment, Training, Loss of Fluidity, Time, ETC)

Trends & Why CPAs Refer Us


Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries or to schedule a consultation.



Email us with any questions or for information on quick glance projections.


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